Knowledge is the future.

Membership in the Finnish Union of University Professors is a statement for science, the arts, and education.

Professori katselee graafeja täynnä olevaa seinämää.

News and media releases

The Spring Seminar 2025

The annual Spring Seminar of the Finnish Union of University Professors will take place in Helsinki on Friday, 25 April 2025, at 12.15-3.15pm. The theme of the annual seminar is Science-based growth and well-being. It is also possible to follow the event as a live webcast. The seminar will be held in Finnish, but the webcast will have automatically generated English subtitles.

Varying Akava membership benefits

Member+ offers the latest benefits to Akava union members and their family members.

Professors’ blog

  • Into darkness

    It’s very hard to write about the current state of global science without getting sucked into the whirlpool of events in the United States that is perceived by most of our colleagues as nothing short of disastrous. However, so much has been written about it already. And by the time this blogpiece goes out some…

  • The Right to be Wrong

    Setting aside the growing threat to the scientific literature from outright fraud, wilful misinterpretation, undeclared conflicts of interest, low-quality peer review and malign pseudo- science, it is an inevitable fact that much of what is put into print today will turn out to be erroneous when revisited in the future. At the very least,…



Acatiimi is the member and stakeholder magazine for the Finnish Union of University Professors, the Finnish Union of University Researchers and Teachers (FUURT) and the Union for University Teachers and Researchers in Finland (YLL).

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