Knowledge is the future.

Membership in the Finnish Union of University Professors is a statement for science, the arts, and education.

Professori katselee graafeja täynnä olevaa seinämää.

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Professors’ blog

  • The Right to be Wrong

    Setting aside the growing threat to the scientific literature from outright fraud, wilful misinterpretation, undeclared conflicts of interest, low-quality peer review and malign pseudo- science, it is an inevitable fact that much of what is put into print today will turn out to be erroneous when revisited in the future. At the very least,…

  • An internal market for higher education in Europe?

    In March 2024, the European Commission presented its new higher education package. The package includes initiatives on a European degree, a European quality assurance and recognition system, and careers in higher education. The package builds on earlier initiatives ranging from a European strategy for universities to micro-credentials. Th…



Acatiimi is the member and stakeholder magazine for the Finnish Union of University Professors, the Finnish Union of University Researchers and Teachers (FUURT) and the Union for University Teachers and Researchers in Finland (YLL).

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