Telephone advice in private legal matters
Eversheds Attorneys Ltd offers free of charge telephone advice in legal matters related to one’s private life to the members of the Finnish Union of University Professors.
This advice includes, among others, the following:

- inheritance, will and inheritance division matters
- family law matters, such as prenuptial agreements, gifts for children and spouse, divorce, division of property and maintenance allowance
- legal matters of cohabiting couples, such as dissolution of joint ownership
- inheritance and gift taxation
- room rental and housing company matters, housing transactions and other movable and immovable property transactions, including defects in the transaction
- matters related to compensation for damages
- banking and security right (collateral law) matters.
Additionally, telephone advice also covers legal matters related to members’ business operations, including company law matters as well as mergers and acquisitions.
Please note that the telephone advice only covers matters that can be dealt with over the telephone (i.e., the member can state the matter and the lawyer clarify it during a telephone conversation). If the matter cannot be resolved during a telephone conversation, it is possible to agree on an assignment with the law firm’s lawyer. Such an assignment will be charged separately.
Telephone advice is available on working days from 10am to 4pm by calling the hotline +358 (0)10 684 1400. Please make sure to have your membership number available when calling. The call price is determined by the individual caller’s telephone subscription’s rates.