HERSC: We stand in solidarity with American colleagues and students in times of authoritarianism and science denial

The Higher Education Research Standing Committee (HERSC) of ETUCE held its regular meeting in Brussels on 11–12 March. Professor Markku Vieru from the University of Lapland represented Finland and the Finnish Union of University Professors at the meeting.

HERSC:n edustajat yhteiskuvassa.

Photo: HERSC

US solidarity resolution March 2025;

As members of the Higher Education Research Standing Committee (HERSC) of ETUCE, we stand in solidarity with our American colleagues in the AFT and NEA and their students in their campaign against the authoritarian shock doctrine introduced by the Trump administration.

This unconscionable attack on public education is dramatically illustrated by the declared intention to shut down the federal Department of Education and also by the unprecedented and egregious cuts in the funding of critical public education and research programmes, the assault on academic freedom and the associated imposition of anticipatory obedience and self-censorship in education and research institutions. This anti-intellectual policy of wanton destruction is also evident in executive orders targeting social welfare, scientific research, environmental protection policies and public health, by means of budget cuts, mass layoffs, and the destruction of the integrity of communications and databases. These actions threaten the foundations of the democratic society.

We are deeply concerned about the fact that the value of science and research is being denied. We strongly oppose any attempts to stifle academic freedom and urge the U.S. administration to uphold the principles that ensure the integrity and independence of educational and research institutions. In times of authoritarian threats to academic freedom and to the professional dignity and employment status of researchers, academic teachers, PhD candidates and students in the United States, we call upon the European political and academic institutions to do their utmost to be a safe shelter for those in need. We must give our American friends a chance to find welcoming places to continue their research and studies. To do so, public investment in Higher Education and Research by European governments and the European Union is crucial and is a cornerstone for peace, progress democracy and justice.