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The Finnish Union of University Professors statement on the draft decrees on the reform of the funding model for universities

The funding model of universities in Finland currently relies on performance-based management. About three-quarters of the funding allocated by the Ministry of Education and Culture is based on how universities have succeeded in achieving the goals set by the Ministry, such as producing degrees and publications and collecting competitive research funding. In most other countries,…


Some of the Akava unions have decided to organise a walkout as a political demonstration on 6 February 2024 at 2.00 p.m. in Helsinki, Tampere, and Turku. The purpose of the walkout, coordinated by the trade union confederation Akava, is to oppose the weakening of working life planned by the Finnish government. According to the…

Statement by the Finnish Union of University Professors to the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment on the Government Programme entries concerning the export-led labour market model and the development of the conciliation system

According to the Finnish Union of University Professors, working life must be developed in a balanced manner, considering the views of both employees and employers. The parties must be able to agree on salary adjustments in collective agreements without the sectors enshrined in the legislation actually defining the upper limit for pay increases. Negotiations on…

Copyright Council issued an opinion on the copyright of scientific articles – publishing industry should amend its practices

In its statement, the Copyright Council finds that the book ‘Suomen historian jännät naiset’ (Extraordinary Women of Finnish History) was not written in accordance with proper usage as required by the Copyright Act. The Finnish Union of University Professors and the Finnish Union of University Researchers and Teachers feel that the publishing industry for works…

Autumn Webinar Series: The Funding Model for Universities

The Finnish Union of University Professors will organise a webinar series on the funding model for universities during autumn 2023. The webinars are scheduled for 4 October, 11 October, and 10 November. The Webinars Yliopistojen rahoitus ja kannustimet (in English: University funding and incentives)Wed., 4 October, at 2-3pmHannu Vartiainen, Professor of Microeconomic Theory at the…